Saturday, September 1, 2007

Some Links

There are lots of websites that you can visit to complement your studies. Two of the best websites to find useful explanations about some terms are:



Also, you can download some old Schweser notes from online file sharing sites, such as these:

Esnips- You can run a search for terms such as “CFA” or “CFA Level 2″.

CFAComplore- I couldn’t find anything for Level II here, but those of you who are taking Level-I can check this place for some pdf files.


I do not encourage piracy and don’t want you guys using these websites as the only place for obtaining your study material. Anyway, 2008 onwards, the curriculum has become compulsory. If you have paid for those books, then you might as well crack them open and learn the key concepts.

Test Preparatory Services-

Schweser- My personal favorite…because I haven’t really tried anything else :P Of course, for Level-II, I’ll only buy the QBank, which has more than 4000 questions and really help you in retaining the key concepts. The quality of the questions is also awesome.

Stalla- Quite expensive, but supposed to be very good too. I haven’t used it. So, I really can’t give you a first hand account.

BSAS Mock Papers- Those of you who are in Boston, can pay $100 and take their mock exam. It’s supposed to be very good and quite close to the real thing.

CFAI Online Exams - At $50 a piece, these can burn a hole in your pocket. One of my friends was kind enough to give me all five of these for free for Level-I. I would highly recommend these.Some of the questions in Level-I were almost the same as the ones that were givn in the online exams.

Analystnotes- If you are really short of money and don’t mind relatively poor quality of notes, then you can buy these. Check out the website for the latest price quotes.

If I come across other resources, I’ll put them up here.