Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Reading 38- Equity: Markets and Instruments

I got done with this reading today. I need to work on the end of chapter problems though. I’ll do that tomorrow because Reading 39 is quite small and won’t take much time.

I left a couple of pages in the Curriculum because they weren’t directly addressed by the LOSs.

p. 52- Just got a general idea of ECN and Electronic Crossing because it’s used later in the reading
p.53-57 skip
p.60-63- skip
p.66-67- skip

I did read the VWAP (Value Weighted Average Pricing) paragraph from p. 66-67 because it’s been mentioned earlier in the market impact part.

This chapter introduces concepts like Price driven market, Order Driven market, Open end fund (incl. ETFs) and closed country funds. The price driven and order driven markets are explained differently compared to Level-I. So, don’t get confused. I’m stick with what’s being taught in L-II though.

Everything else is pretty straight forward. I think I shouldn’t take more than an hour to work out the chapter end problems tomorrow…and another hour to go through Reading 39.

This will finish my Asset Valuation part tomorrow. Yay!! :)